
Showing posts from March, 2022


Playing the piano sounds interesting, but you should not directly jump into a music school or academy initially. People are usually drawn to things that bring them joy and happiness, and the same thing happens when they hear the beautiful sound that a piano produces. They are usually drawn to it, and on the second day, they decide to enrol in a music school, but it doesn't work like that. It would help if you gave yourself some time to think and make up your mind, then later you can decide whether you want to learn online from a reputed academy or by attending music school. Given below are some simple steps to begin with your piano learning journey.   Buy a piano or keyboard- As a beginner, you should know what a piano looks like and what kind of keys it has. So get yourself one. Do some research on the internet and visit some local shops that sell second-hand instruments, because as a beginner, a second-hand piano is an excellent option. Get familiar with your instrument- For a be...


Musical elements can be seen as the building blocks of music that you can learn through  music theory lessons . Without them, music would not exist.  Elements of music are as essential as the elements of a vehicle. The vehicle needs wheels, engine, brakes, doors, chassis, steering wheel and more. Without these essentials, it will no longer be a vehicle. Without the essential elements of music, a piece of music will no longer be music. WHAT ARE THE ELEMENTS OF MUSIC? Here is a quick flow of the leading musical elements (you will find a variety of these, but these are the most important ones): Pitch -  the frequency of vibration and the size of the vibrating object.   Rhythm –  is the pattern or placement of sounds in beats and time in music.  Duration - music note length Structure - the way in which a complete piece of music is organized into identical and contradictory categories. Dynamics - how loud/quiet the music is (either total sound or notes/instrume...


There are so many different types of music out there today, and that would be impossible to cover all types of genres. But whatever your music genre, if you want to be a successful songwriter, you will need to master lyric writing. You can do this easily by joining songwriting classes . If you are looking for ways to improve lyric writing, we have following nine tips divided into lyric inspiration areas, technique, and structure, that should help you get there. INSPIRATION TIPS 1) Write all the IDEAs When you write lyrics, sometimes your creative juices run out. Inspiration comes when you least expect it, so keep a record of all the ideas that come to your mind as you go about your life.   2. START WITH NONSENSE LYRICS Fill your song with nonsense words. They can be complete words or simple scattering syllables. The form does not matter - it is essential to use words to describe the song and hear how it "plays" with the sound. Starting with silly lyrics is sure to make an awe...


I have loved music since I was a child, and I always wanted to be the one who sang at the center of the stage until I saw what was behind those curtains. There you will find many people doing more work than the lead singer, and they are all helping to make the performance possible. That’s when I realized that the music field is not only about a lead singer. Here you will find plenty of options with good income and popularity. However, directly breaking into the music industry is not that easy. It would help if you did years of work before you could get there. So, here we enlist some of the best career options in the music industry, and then you can work on the one that suits you. Music producer- A music producer chooses the song, musicians, vocalists, and instruments and balances the recording budget. A music producer assists with the whole recording project. To become a music producer, you must first learn about the music concept and foundational audio and engineering and mixing techn...


For those who have music knowledge or work as musicians on different platforms with different artists, writing a song can be a challenge. It doesn't matter how much work experience they have or how good they are at singing. Writing songs takes a lot of patience and hard work. Many artists will disagree that songwriting isn't something that should be taught. This is true, you can learn it by yourself, but you can sharpen your songwriting skills with the proper guidance and training. Years ago, I started writing songs, but it was not as easy as it sounds. I took  songwriting classes , practiced it daily, and with time, it got easier and easier. So, in this article, I have mentioned some tips and exercises that helped me with my songwriting skills. Start writing-Some of you won't believe it, but even professional songwriters struggle while writing a song. They also get confused about where to start. But there is only one solution: "start writing." Pick any topic, lik...