Learning a new thing can be challenging and frustrating at times, but you get the success you deserve in the end. Tell me if I am wrong, almost each one of us has made a fake scenario of playing their favorite instrument, be it a guitar or piano, at a high level, but only a few of them worked on themselves to make their dreams come true. If you are one of those who loves to play the guitar but don't know where to start and have questions like should I go for an instructor or should I learn it by myself, is it a waste of time, then this article will assist you how you can learn to play the guitar without spending a lot of money.

  1. Create a learning environment- Have you ever cooked food in your room, studied in your kitchen, or taken a bath in the backyard? The answer is no because you need a place, an environment for specific tasks. Similarly, when it comes to learning guitar, dedicate a room or a small corner in your house where you can practice without any disturbance, where you can put your items such as a laptop, the ring light, a comfortable chair, and your guitar. Having such a place will motivate you to practice, and, of course, it looks good.

  2. Start with the basics- We all know that taking the first step is always the most challenging part, but no one can stop you once you start. You will gain confidence, and it will build up your strength to get going. Hence, in the beginning, start with the basics, and get familiar with your guitar. Learn how to hold the guitar in the proper posture and how to hold the guitar pick, as it impacts the tone that comes from your guitar. Learn how to set up a guitar tuner and keep the strings tuned. Once you learn these little but essential things, further steps will become easier.

  3. Work on your skills- Make regular time for practice because, without practice, you can't learn anything. Make a list of songs you like and try to play them on your guitar. Playing your favorite song will make the learning process enjoyable. With consistent practice, your listening skills will become sharp, and then you will be able to identify any song's notes and patterns quickly. Whenever you learn a new song, it will become easier for you as you will be able to pick the notes, keys, and chords involved in that song. 

  4. Learn with other players- Most beginners don't understand the importance of community, especially if they are learning from their homes. They think it is easier to learn guitar by sitting alone, which is not a wrong statement, but having a music community means you will have some people with the same mindset with whom you can share your challenges, breakdowns, etc. Such a community helps you grow and keeps you motivated. So connect with some musicians. You can take online music classes and learn things from your friends and coach or join a music club near your house. It is going to help you a lot in your musical journey. 


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